
Accept Your Failures and Defeats | Learn to Move On

One must have enough courage to accept life’s ‘Failures and Defeats’. No one on the face of the earth can claim he or she never ever faced heart-wrenching moments or didn’t witness “Turning Points” in life.

Life is full of struggles and puzzles throughout the journey, you pass one, another on way. Some are born as “hard luck” with a lack of opportunities while some as “Good luck” and with open opportunities but, only your hard work and consistency fill the void between luck and hard luck, success, and failure.

Oprah Gail Winfrey, a well-known and famous personality, born in poverty, faced hardship and lots more failures in life but, her struggle and dream never let her disappear in vain.

Through her journey of life, from poverty to wealth, from darkness towards light she concluded as,

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough.”

There are different phases of life, in each phase, goals are different, achievements level vary, behaviors may change.

Childhood struggles are integrated with parents, together with siblings. Learning and growing are the major goals. A happy and peaceful phase, in which minor achievements are considered big. Toys are treasures and sharing is mandatory. Most peaceful, fast, and lifetime learning stage of life. Time flies and you have to come out of the comfort zone for higher studies, for the attainment of some big goals, to fulfill responsibilities, to carry the burden, to win independence, and to become a breadwinner.

Every year, all over the world millions of students have to appear in “Entry tests”, the whole future depends on these “few hours exams” for time being. Either they are College entry tests, Medical college entrance tests, Engineering, or any type of tests, we are “bound” to pass them with “certain marks” for further opportunities.

Unfortunately, if you couldn’t pass them, it’s ok to try later, not let your focus out, put your best and add your optimum efforts, if you are actually interested in that way.

Otherwise, sit and decide wisely what’s better now and how could you utilize yourself best. From my experiences,

“Acceptance is like a tranquilizer, lower your grief, and unloose your inner.”


Jack Ma, “the Alibaba fame”, himself claims to have applied ten times to Harvard Business School and got rejected each time. Imagine if he didn’t realize this reality, do you think he could stand where he stands now??

Every success keeps a story of a long journey, hardship, luck, disappointments but, important is you don’t stop yourself and accept the challenges and competition in life.

According to Jack Ma,

“Stay Hungry & Follow Your Dreams.”

How to overcome disappointments and keep the focus on success?

In my view, for a strong and fearless, targeted, and well-planned individual, childhood is the best time for training, reframing, and reinforcing the mind and setting future goals.

Career and passion together, peace and fame, success, and strong financial status need strong and articulate plans.

If you are strong from inside, know the power of a good company, struggle, and hurdles are part of life, bear the pain of losing but still, be composed and calm, you will be the true champion in practical life, believe me.

Dr. Anam Najam is a Pakistani medical Dr, and psychiatrist (Pakistan’s first and only “quadriplegic” psychiatrist).

On March 15, 2008, she suffered a furious incident in her 20’s only. This incident not only left her paralyzed but the threat of quitting her medical studies as well, her dream.

Despite her ill situation, completely dependent on others but she never gave up, now she is successful and satisfied with whatever she achieves.

It’s better to accept our fate on time instead of ruining our golden time and energy.

One thing more, for peace and success along with your interpersonal strength and quality, you need a good and strong mind company as well.

Jack Ma, concluded himself as,

“You need the right people with you, not the best people.”

Kill your aggressions and disappointments, identify yourself and keep in mind,

“Slow progress is far better than doing nothing”.

Every start is hard initially but in the end, you surely reach the destination.

Author: Sidra Fatima

She can be reached at

About the author


A versatile human being with a passion for reading and writing - always striving for growth, living in the moment but trying to keep pace with the evolving world.


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